Saturday, July 9, 2011


Lately, I've been grumpy. I'm in a strange place right now. I'm kind of hopeful in many respects. Kind of frustrated in many others. One of the major areas of frustration that I"m experiencing is with my friends. I'm in regular contact with folks that aren't happy, content, satisfied, and worst of all...aren't moving anywhere.

We all have our down times. It's a part of life. When those times come it's nice to be able to just drop your load off somewhere. It's nice to be able to vent and get it off your chest. I do it. You do it. We all do it. My frustration comes in when you vent daily and take little to no action to make any changes substance. In essence you have given up and have resided to a life of complaining.

That is mind numbing as a friend that desires the best for those you care about. Especially when you know that things would be better in some respect if they would just put forth the effort. I'm fed up with it. I'm a person that has hated my job. I'm a guy that has hated my life. I didn't just complain, I put all I had into changing the situation. Oddly enough, as much as I hated my job the people I worked with thought i was always positive. If only they knew.

I used to literally get sick to my stomach daily as I drove to work. That's how much I hated my job. Those were dark days. I applied to new jobs weekly. I talked to every and anybody I could about getting out of that hell hole of a place. I finally got to the point where I went back to school. I worked 3rd shift full-time, went to school full-time, interned, had a child, and I was married.

I had a constant burn in my eyes and my sleep patterns weren't normal for years. But I did what I had to do to get out of that place. If you're going to expend the energy to complain and be upset, let it fuel you to get where you want to go no matter what the cost. We know one thing for sure, doing nothing will change nothing. I speak from experience. I know what it is to be depressed, unhappy, burned out, and feeling like "to hell with hit!" I also know what it is to change.

That's my issue. I want my friends to go for what they want. Don't complain about happiness, get some. Don't hate a job, get a new one. Don't want a man, get one. Don't wish for better days, make it happen. Don't hope for more money, manage your money better. It's irritating when you know people can have what they want but they are so content with their pain. I'm not content. As a result, I'm grumpy as hell when it comes to these folks and it's been known. I will have to take my own advice soon if things don't change and reduce my own frustrations.

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