Monday, October 3, 2011

When the hunter becomes the prey

I have long maintained that the goal of anyone dating and in pursuit of another's heart has a goal of becoming the hunted. In such situations you chase and chase and chase and you know you have them, not when you have them in your grasp but when they are pursuing you. This is the clear and supreme sign that you have won the heart of the one you desire.

I'm witnessing such a change take place at work right now. I have a client that had a court ordered protection order brought against him the love of his life. He actually was arrested and found himself in my care as the result of violating this court order. No matter how many conversations, no matter how many reminders of why he was confined, no matter how many times he affirmed that he understood and would not contact this woman, at the end of the day he couldn't help himself. He called her every single day.

Recently, for no particular reason, this guy has stopped calling her. In fact, he hasn't called her for about a month. Oddly enough, the woman that complained about his bothersome calls is now calling me and asking about the well-being of this individual. She now calls several times a week inquiring about the man indicating that she is missing his calls. Today, I received a letter addressed to this man from this woman. I couldn't help but smile thinking, "The prey has become the predator."

This is a common happening among people. The man that has long chased after the woman of his dreams finally gets tired or worse-over her. And at that time she finally wakes up to what she had chasing her. Not all, but some women think that the man will give chase forever. He won't. In fact, in the saddest of cases he'll entertain the woman giving chase but only to exact revenge by sleeping with her and moving on. I don't recommend such things but it happens.

On the good side of things is when the chased become the aggressor and they chase the heart of the other. Then you have two people chasing the hearts of one another seeking to love them, please them, and enjoy them. That's what this is all about. So many stop chasing. They stop short of creating something beautiful and lasting because they take for granted the heart of the one they desired. I think I made this mistake in my marriage. I was going through the motions in a lot of ways. That was a mistake. Anyway, happy hunting.

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