Saturday, July 10, 2010

Diary of a Tired Black Man

I watched this movie/documentary yesterday called Diary of a Tired Black Man. It was one of the best films I have ever seen. The movie is about good black men and how black women are wearing them out with all the games, attitude, and over the top expectations for men to put up with bull. The movie is balanced as it doesn't act as though all men are good or that black women are evil. It just covers the issue of the attitude and the interference of friends in the relationship.

I found this movie to be true because I have gone through some of the same things in it. Arguments about leaving draws on the bathroom floor. Beef about the toilet seat. Accusations of being unfaithful when I wasn't (and now that I know what I know I wish I had). The movie kept it real on both ends.

Both men and women are given opportunities to express their opinions on the subject. Most of the women don't deny the accusations made against black women. They proudly agree and try desperately to defend the position. Sadly, most of them crash and burn as they struggle to justify making men pay for some long believed wrong.

The movie makes a strong case for a need for change for the betterment of relationships between black men and black women as a whole. There is discussion on the impact on children in single parent homes, how black girls are raised, and the frustration of a man that has to fight at home and in the street. It's a good flick that at the very least will get you to thinking. Check it out.

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