It would appear that as I turn to the dark side that there are many voices calling for me to remain true to who I am. Co-workers, friends, family, all say I should stay the nice guy that I am. I've been told that it is the nice guy quality that women find so attractive about me. If this is true why is it that I don't know who any of the women that find me attractive are?
The saying goes that nice guys always finish last. I have lived my life trying to prove that wrong. Truth is, I haven't been successful. I have had ass whole after ass whole pass me in the climb to the top (many riding my back and claiming my work to do so). I have seen many an undesirable character bag some of the most beautiful women I have ever laid my eyes on. It would appear that there is a chasm between said attraction to nice guys and real attraction.
I have friends that have remained single for years. They have had many a dry period during this time. Things always seemed to pick up for them when they said, "To hell with being Mr. Nice Guy!" Why is it that when a man is a jerk he gets results and when a man is a nice guy he gets the short end of the stick? Bullshit!
I have seen women chase after men that could care less and did until the man finally gave them a taste and then promptly kicked their ass to the curb. Bruised and broken these women can't seem to overcome losing the ass whole. They often make the nice guy pay by either not giving them the time of day or playing them for fools and taking them for all they can get.
A friend of mine told me that he used to purposely treat women like trash to make them want him all the more. He said women would cook for him, clean for him, and outright offer him the goods and he would turn it down. He would tell women to put the food down on his desk and "maybe" he would eat it later. Doing so without even looking up from whatever activity he was involved in. He would tell the women that asked him if he wanted some pussy that he wasn't interested. This man said that without fail these women couldn't wait to give it to him. Again, Bullshit!!!!
So, somebody please tell me where the benefit is in being a good guy? As far as I can see, good guys are all day suckers, punks, bitches, something less than a man...that can't no play. There are no promotions for nice guys. No women running hard after them. Hell, my wife's' heart was stolen by some punk as nigga that one of the biggest ass wholes I've ever come in contact with!!! Where was I while this was going on? That's right, being a nice guy. Bullshit!!!!!!!!
So there it is. You tell me where the benefit is? Tell me how being a nice guy pays off for the nice guy? Tell me where the nice guy gets the girl, the job, and the respect (outside of the movies)? Make your case for the "Nice Guy." In the meantime I'm going to follow suit and do what works.
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