I recently had an opportunity to further my education by obtaining a second master's degree in a closely related field. I went through all the motions of attending informational, filling out the application, talking to people that had done the same program before me, writing a proposal, and obtaining supervision. I submitted the application and was accepted to the program. Yet, I had to pause.
I paused because the funds initially advertised no longer existed. That was a large part of my interest. Getting a great education with great credentials at half price is nice. Another cause to pause, was that they wanted to accept me on a probationary basis. Call it arrogant or whatever you want, but having already obtained a master's degree from a respected program with a GPA of 3.59 I wasn't about to be put on probation for any one's program. They said it's because of my undergraduate GPA (one that is more than a decade old). With that I knew my scholarship opportunities would be hindered. I had to pump my brakes.
Slightly disappointed by the whole ordeal, I stepped back from it all and came to an epiphany; NO MORE FORMAL EDUCATION! I've got way more education than I believe I will ever need to become successful in this world. Truth is, I was chasing a degree that would make my climb to financial success easy. That chase would have continued on forever. In the mean time, I would have been chasing the unobtainable while digging a deeper whole of student loan debt. FOOLISHNESS!
I value higher education. However, we've been sold a bill of goods! Schools have marketed that the end all be all of success is higher education, COST BE DAMNED! That's a lie. They all tell you that it will "pay off." They all say that it's a "growing field" full of "opportunities." They are selling us on their university, the justified cost, and the pipe dream that there is a pot of gold at the other side of that degree. It's simply not true.
An education is just that, AN EDUCATION! It does not guarantee a job, a career, a good salary, promotion, or wealth. It may improve your chances but not exactly. Believe it or not, only about 15% of all people in the US have a college degree. Roughly 5-10% have a master's and even less with a PhD. That means 85% of the nation does not have a college degree. Wow! That's a lot of people.
Studies show that intellectual skill only makes for 2% of the cause of success. The greater indicator is "EMOTIONAL STRENGTH." This has to do with your heart, determination, and the ability to read, react, and move on your emotions. I can't tell you how many "dumb" people I know that are wildly successful. They are successful because they were able to press past the struggles and get what they wanted. I have a saying, "Don't be too smart to make money."
That being said, it's time for me to start living. When you're in school it's like your life is on hold until you're done. The time of classroom time, study time, travel, and holding down the job you already have is consuming. Enough of that. No more books. Time to live. Time to put my hand to the plow and push. Time to launch my ideas, my service, my empire. School is not a part of that plan. Can we have a moment of silence for FORMAL EDUCATION? THANK YOU.
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