Saturday, August 27, 2011


Writing is such an incredibly cathartic process. I remember being in grad school and hearing about journaling and what not being cathartic. I used to think I could use that with my clients but had never really given it much thought for myself. One of the reasons being that my hand cramps up from writing (actual writing). It is an incredibly powerful tool.

I write when I'm angry, inspired, motivated, bored, and just trying to think some things through. It's funny because people ask me about some of my writings in other venues and I always have a tough time recalling what they're talking about. After I put a thought down I tend to leave it right there. That's where the power of writing is felt as far as anger, anxiety, and disappointment goes. I'm able to get my thoughts and feelings out and leave them right there.

Writing allows me to be profane, raw, and unfiltered. I don't have to hold back or watch what I say. If by chance a person is offended they have the freedom and hopefully the good sense to stop reading. Once that raw part of me is placed down on the electron parchment I'm free of it. The process is phenomenal. Add to that the fact that you can look back and review where you were emotionally, intellectually, and mood wise on a particular day it's truly amazing.

I highly recommend that you find a place to put your thoughts down on paper and get the release you need. Some people write everyday. I don't do that. I could, I've got lot's on my mind but I don't find it necessary. You may. Whatever you find works for you, works for you. I'm just saying let the pen or keyboard be the release valve you need to find a piece of insanity during those times when you've lost all semblance of sanity. Trust me on this one, it's cathartic.

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