I love it......women have this uncanny ability to find fault in men no matter what their actions are. I have had many conversations with women about their own cheating ways and they surprisingly plead innocence. How can this be? If a man cheats the woman finds fault with him. How can this be? Women make a decision that they later regret with knowledge of the issues and claim to be the victim. Again, how can this happen?
It is common place in our society to find men at fault for all things wrong. If the marriage is bad, it's the man. If the money isn't right, it's the man. If sex is bad, it's the man. If a man cheats, it's the man. And, if a woman cheats, it's the man. Pregnancy after sex is the man's fault. Failed relationships, the man's fault. And on and on.
It would seem that man being at fault is a universal truth instilled in women from birth. In some ways it is. I have only come across one woman in my entire life that has done some soul searching and found her part in the difficulties of relationships. She not only understands herself, but the general behavior of men. Most of the women I've encountered are in full blown blame mode when it comes to men.
Please hear me on this, MEN DO A LOT OF WRONG. We are not perfect. We are not blameless. We are not angels. We can behave as dawgs. We can take advantage of people. We can scheme and scam with the best. Yet, we are not wholly to blame. Women are equal opportunity takers. They just get mad when they feel that they didn't get a fair shake. So, they resort to blaming men to clear their conscience and feel better about what they've done.
Truth be told I'm thoroughly disgusted by the lack of responsibility women take in relationships. You could tell a woman that water is wet in a relationship and she would claim ignorance. There is more than enough blame and responsibility to go around in relationships. It's bad on both sides from what I've seen. This isn't to say that both parties are always at fault. There are times when men are at fault. There are times when women are at fault. And, there are times both are at fault.
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