Saturday, January 22, 2011


Many view me as a positive, friendly, outspoken, bold man. I haven't always been this way. Those that knew me in my formational years would tell you that I was quite shy. If you asked me, I would tell you that I used to be afraid and uncomfortable around most people.

Even in college I was very much to myself. I had a group of friends, was part of groups, and even in leadership, but nothing like what I am now. I feared women. Didn't think I was "cool" (and I'm not). I just wasn't "ok" with who I am. Not much has really changed about who I am since those days. I believe I'm the same guy at my core. Yet, I'm much more comfortable with myself now than I have ever been in my life.

This didn't happen by accident. I wanted to present as something different than I was. I felt misunderstood in most situations and really wanted people to get a clear picture of me. Don't get me wrong, I'm still misunderstood. I'm just not as concerned as I used to be. I have worked at engaging people. I worked at being vocal and inclusive in my demeanor.

I'm still not the person I want to be but I'm getting there. I say all this to say that change is real and possible. No one has to stay the same. We are not locked into a prison of self. If you want to change something do it. It takes work. It takes courage. It takes time. But, it can be done. I know so many people that want to be something different than what they are right now. Yet, they are not willing to pay the price at this point in time. I'm diving into an area that I'm not familiar with, that I don't have any connections in, and I don't have experience in. Yet, I'm pressing on because I want to be something different than what I am. I wasn't always this way and I don't plan to always be this way.

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