Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Well, the seemingly impossible has happened. I got a second job. I don't know the details of the schedule or the start date. What I do know is that I can expect work in about four weeks which will produce additional cash. I'm not making money hand over fist and in some ways I can't believe I'm doing this. Nevertheless, I needed additional income via a second job and the good Lord has blessed and made a way.

I like my free time as it is right now. However, I prefer peace and there will be no peace until this ship is righted. I'm not afraid of work. Never have been. I will make the most of this opportunity and get on with living. I've got a plan(s) and I'm gonna work it.

One of my friends tried to advise me against taking this job. I laughed at her plea as it was pride/ego based. I can't afford to be prideful. More over, there is no shame in my game. They may not be much pride, but there is no shame. I can say this, there will be pride once I get things back on track and rescue this sinking ship. At that time I will know that the sacrifice of time and liesure was well worth it. Again, I'm thankful for the opportunity. I can't say that I know when I'll be out of this situation. What I can say is...and then there was light.

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