Thursday, September 22, 2011


I hate unions. I always have. Since my employment with companies such as Giant Eagle and CVS I've seen no benefit in having a union. My life in public work has made me woefully aware of unions. I've mostly seen loss, injustice, and frustration growing out of the union. I was recently reminded of why I hate them.

This time last year I was one week in to my new job. I had no expectations for vacation time at Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years. Yet, I was able to work with my partner and come to very easy solution for how he were going to handle vacation. After a five minute conversation the issue was settled. I had the time off I wanted and so did she. It was easy and simple. Work was covered, both parties happy...end of story. Not so this year.

This year, the unions have stepped in and required that the group "canvass" for vacation. Essentially, this means that you have to make a bid for your vacation 6-12months out based on seniority. That means I'm ass out as I'm at the bottom of the seniority list. Consequently, I won't have Christmas, New Years, or Thanksgiving off for the next 5-10 years or more.

Since I have a job that requires 30 years for full retirement, and as jobs go it's an easy one, I will have to wait until people retire or die to move up in seniority. Some might think of that as paying your dues but I don't. I have small children that I count on having time off with during the holidays to spend time with. It's nice to be with family as adults but these years are special. Right now, I won't have that because I have to work. Not only is time lost due to my separation, time is lost due to my job.

I believe doing anything solely on the basis of "time" is horrible. Unions support a time only system. Unions support the reward of low/no skills. Unions support rebellion. I have been complimented on my work by my superiors as well as patients, family members of patients, and the community agencies I engage on my job, for the excellent work I do. Consequently, I've been given greater responsibility. Despite my work ethic and the value I bring to the table, I have been in danger of losing my job purely based on time. Quality of work be damned!

On the issue of skills, I have a master's degree and I carry a license for the work I do. My old partner and friend has similar qualifications. Yet, she was laid off from the job for someone without a master's or a license in the very field the job title describes. I was in danger of being laid off and was only missed by one. Hence, what is considered illegal in the private sector was made legal by the unions. Low skills win out on time and contract. Disgusting.

A friend of mine once said in describing his unions contract negotiations, "I don't need a union because I don't do anything to be fired." He's right. I have seen unions protect people that were guilty as hell and wrong. I've seen people blatantly lie with the help of the union to keep a job they knew they were risking when they did what they did. After the hearing they laugh and joke about it knowing that union protection allows them to be renegades and do whatever the hell they want. I'll never forget coming to work one morning and seeing a union member profanely address his superior. Such behavior is unthinkable in a non-union environment. Sad thing is, the superior was simply asking the man to do his job.

Beyond the union working to hold me back from seeing my children during holidays they have allowed money to be taken out of my mouth. I've been volunteering for overtime at work for the last three months or so. Suddenly, those opportunities have dried up. Did they dry up because of a lack of work? NO! Did they dry up because we have additional staff? NO! They dried up because people that have retired with full benefits are coming right back as contract employees and taking money out of my hands. Where's the union on that? Silent....

As far as I can tell I have no need of a union. I do a damn good job at what I do. I always have. I never break the rules. I don't defy my superiors. I exceed expectations regularly. I whole heartedly believe I'd have and keep my job with good pay without the union. I benefit in no way from their presence. Far as I'm concerned, unions can bite the big one.

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