Monday, November 15, 2010

Q & A

The Question: Did I ever have a chance?

Answer: Never seen you like that. You were more of a brother. Too much of a good boy too... I like bad boys!! Lol

What you see above is part of the phenomena seen on where people can't wait to put their business out in the street. The game works like this, you ask a person a question under the cloak of the "inbox." In turn, the person you ask the question to post both the question and the answer for all to see on their page. The question above is one that I posed to a female friend of mine from college. Her response only serves to prove my point....GOOD GUYS AIN'T WORTH SHIT!!!!

Let me tell you this concerning my friend. There was once a time when I escorted her to her room because she was intoxicated (one beer) I wanted to make sure she made it back safely. Once in her room she starts kissing and hugging on me and asking me to stay. Under fear of rape accusations I broke camp. Many of our close mutual female friends swear she was faking to give herself an excuse. Well, maybe she wasn't. After all, I never had a chance.

It's not like I wanted this chick to say "game on." She's married with kids. It's just that I would have liked to have been looked at with that type of potential. Even if you don't want a job it's nice to know you have options. I don't even have options. I'm cursed by my niceness. Damned by my respectful ways. I should be calling women bitches, hoes, and chicken heads. I should find em', fool em', fuck em', and forget em' (Eric Jerome Dickey).

I know there is a place for men like me somewhere in the world. That place might be a monastery or the priesthood, but it's somewhere. Opportunity after opportunity has passed me by because I'm too much of a gentleman, too much of a good guy. BULLSHIT!!! No wonder the good guys are bad guys in this world. There is no room for men of respect, men of character. There is only room for selfish, conniving, cheating, lying, bastards that would do and say anything to get what they want. Of course, that's what women want. An unbeatable challenge.

Question: Where's the Prince Charming women have been dreaming of?

Answer: Trapped inside a good guy that can't get a second look if he were a flaming ball of fire.

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