Thursday, November 11, 2010


I watched the movie Brooklyn's Finest today. It was an entertaining movie, had some twist and turns. As is the make up of most movies Brooklyn's Finest is a conglomerate of various relationships. Friends and foes, partners, good guys and bad guys, and marriage. A large segment of the movie revolves around the husband wife relationship. There was an interchange during the movie that deeply impacted me.

The conversation took place while the husband and wife were discussing the needs of their family. The husband is promising his wife a new home. He's concerned about the space of their current home as well as the impact the mold is having on his families health. As the man is desperately giving his word for better days to his wife she says, "I believe you. Tell the me sky is purple and I will believe you." That was all I needed to hear. It spoke volumes about their relationship.

Caught up in the wife's statement about the sky is a clearly painted picture of the strength and bond of their relationship. Her words spoke of her trust, belief in, and desire for her husband. She told him that he could tell her something contrary to common knowledge and she would believe him on the strength of their love. How powerful is that? How amazing is that?

Her words confirmed her husbands manhood and ability to provide beyond just the physical. I once believed I was a member of such a union. There was once a time when my partner deferred to me out of trust. There was once a time when I didn't have to defend my words or actions. That was a time when love was love. I hope I can one day hear the sweet words, "Tell me the sky is purple."

1 comment:

  1. Benjamen Long, PastorNovember 12, 2010 at 4:35 AM

    I have no doubt...whatsoever that you will find a lasting, true love...! Don't settle for anything less.
