Saturday, December 18, 2010


This blog post is monumental for me. It's my 100th post. It is a small accomplishment, but an accomplishment nevertheless. I thought that I might fall off from posting my thoughts on this project. I figured once the anger subsided that my passion for writing on this subject would also subside as well. That has not been the case. This blog has served as a valuable outlet for my thoughts, feelings, opinions, and questions. It has been cathartic.

On the subject of 100, I am just that. The commonly used "100" describes a person keeping it real, being honest, no holds barred. I value honesty and transparency. I'm not interested in misleading people, manipulating people, or tricking people about anything. I've adopted the belief that if you tell the truth you don't have to worry about what you said. I would think that being honest would have high value and serve me well. It hasn't always.

I was recently informed that due to my good guy presentation, being honest, and keeping it 100, actually causes pause about my trustworthiness. I have been told that because I wouldn't be suspected of cheating is the very reason I am suspected of cheating. I had to laugh and yet I was a bit taken aback by the statement. Cant' win for losing.

I know why someone would be concerned about my honesty. Since I was a kid I have always been referenced as a measure or standard for the truth because I was known to be honest even in difficult situations. Many tried to use me to support their lies. I wasn't interested in ruining my rep for their foolishness. I'm not interested in ruining my rep for my foolishness these days either.

I can see how I could use my character and presentation to my advantage for malicious activity. Yet, I never have. What you see is what you get. I'm a nut, a bit eccentric, highly intellectual, honest, nice guy. I'm no more, no less. Despite the fear that my honesty seems to put in the minds of people I will continue to keep it 100.

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