Thursday, December 23, 2010

Aston Martin Love

One of my favorite songs right now is Aston Martin Music by Rick Ross. I love the melody, the smooth sound of Chrissette Michelle (it helps that she's beautiful), and the multi-talented contributions of Drake, and of course Ross' lyrics. What I really like is the theme of the song.

Aston Martin is a European sports car made popular world wide by the James Bond movies. The care cost roughly $200k. It is the symbol of success for many in the hip hop game. Owning one of these is a clear example of having made it to the pinnacle of your dreams. There is another meaning the symbolism of the car holds in this song. The theme is actually seen throughout hip hop in several different songs. It has something to do with exclusivity.

The exclusivity I speak of is not one of financial accomplishment or status. It is one of relationship. The Aston Martin is a two seater sports car. That means it only holds the driver and one other person-MAX. That is some serious exclusivity. A decision must be made as to who you will open that second seat to. It's a position of honor, importance,

I'm hoping to one day be able to regain that type of love and significance in my life. I want to hold that second spot in the two seater in a woman's heart and she in mine. I really believed I was in a two seater with my wife. Turned out I was pushed out of my own car and left sitting on the curb. I was car jacked. Anyway, I digress. I'm hoping to one day celebrate all aspects of the Aston Martin. The success, the money, the relationship, the exclusivity...I want it all. I'm going to push until I have it. I'm tryin' to have that Aston Martin life...that Aston Martin love.

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