Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The power of femininity
Brings a man to his knees
Stuck in his thoughts
Invades his dreams

Apart from you, what would true love be
Would there be beauty
Would there be passion
Could a man be moved without her taking any action

Could a man be fulfilled
Could a man be satisfied
Others may have the look of a woman
But something is missing inside

It’s insight, wisdom, depth…
The power to enter a room
Steal the moment
Take their breath
It’s amazing..
Though it’s happened before
Every time feels new as never before

The beauty of your smile
The suculance of your lips
The thickness of your thighs
The sway in your hips

The softness of your skin
The sweet scent you leave in the air
The depth of spirit seen through your eyes
The way you wear your hair

It’s how you long to be adored
Your mind, body, and soul explored

You are a new world
Wondrous and free
Though quite liberal
It’s hard for a man to get free

So what is a man to do
What I have said doesn’t come close
To describing what’s truly precious…what’s most

I could explore your entire body
Sight, smell, touch
Taste your varied flavors
Savor it oh…so much

For what you have is intangible
Can’t be seen, smelled, or touched
It’s femininity
Your femininity
It’s overwhelming…
Too much

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