Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This has been one of the best weeks of my life. There are so many good things happening. Don't get me wrong, things ain't perfect, but they are good. I love my new job. I don't love it cause it's new. I love it because of the people and the tremendous opportunities to learn and grow before me.

I have an opportunity to become an independently licensed therapist within the next year. That means more opportunity and money. I also have an inside track for scholarship funds to pursue a second masters degree that could blow the doors wide open for me to work in my respective field. That means more money and opportunity.

I also met with my supervisor for an hour and a half. We talked faith, family, finance, education, outreach...etc... At the end he said, "I have thoroughly enjoyed this. I can tell you are going to have a great impact..." It's nice to be wanted. It's even better when you have the ears and eyes of your boss and you can produce. You know what that means? More money.......more opportunity.

To top it all off I was in a position to help people out in various ways. There is nothing more exhilarating than helping others. It truly is better to give than to receive. If I had a choice between giving and taking, I'm taking the give option every time.

Life is still hard and in some ways I'm still struggling. However, life is grand. Life is good. You have to learn to enjoy the big and little things in life. Take advantage of those things in your control. Pray on those things that aren't. And enjoy the life God has given you.

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