Saturday, October 16, 2010


I am a big fan of direct communication. There are so many benefits to it. You never have to wonder where you stand. You don't have guess about expectations. You can clear the air quickly and work through conflict. Direct communication allows you to minimize misunderstandings and strengthen relationships.

Those that know me know I can be quite direct. I do it out of a desire to be honest and clear about my intentions and thoughts. I think there is a certain level of compassion associated with direct communication. No one is led on. No one is tricked or played. No one is left to look a fool because of misinterpretation.

I'm not one of these people that likes to throw rocks while living in a glass house. I love direct feedback. It is a great pleasure for me to hear about my shortcomings and strengths so I can make changes as I desire to become a better me. The truth hurts sometimes. But the truth also sets you free. I'll take pain and freedom any day over a painless form of slavery.

Now, as much as I like direct communication I found myself in quite a predicament this morning. My family was paid a visit by the most unlikely of people. A beautiful Brazilian woman had accompanied close family friends to our home. This woman was stunning. A vision of perfection to steal a line from Coming to America. My mother quickly swooped down upon this young woman with a myriad of questions.

How old are you? Are you single? Followed by statements such as, "I don't have time to play?" I quickly moved to apologize to our gorgeous guest so as not to make her any more uneasy than she already was. Our guest was graceful and replied with a smile. Leave it to my mom to make one of my life principals a complete embarrassment for me.

Nevertheless, I maintained my stance on direct communication. My Uncle asked me, "Isn't she beautiful." I replied in her presence with a smile, "That goes without saying." I believe in complimenting people and letting them know that you recognize them...Direct Communication.

After the young lady departed our family home my grandmother made a statement that took me by surprise. She said, "You'd have plenty of babies if you married that one." All I could do is laugh and agree. Hey, when you're right you're right. I guess direct communication is a family trait. The apple never falls far from the tree.

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