Friday, October 29, 2010


Sex has always been a major issue in my life. As a man I have thought about sex since I can remember. I can recall being a five year old boy watching Dukes of Hazard with my family and telling them, "I'm gonna git in Daisy's butt!" Imagine that from a five year old kid. Anyway, Sex has always been in the picture of my life in some way, shape, or form.

It has been said that men think about sex every 8 seconds on average. That is a lot of sexual stimulation, roughly 7 times a minute. I have also been told, read, experienced, that sex is not that big a deal for women. I think this is still true. However, there has been some change in the attitude and approach to sex that women are taking. Few of them appear healthy....

Anyway, in one of many discussion on the issue I was told by two separate women that sex is overrated. I highly contest the legitimacy of such claims. I have argued that they were doing it wrong or haven't done it at all. To me, as to most men, sex is like the greatest thing on the face of the earth. I contend that there are few things a man would choose above sex. If a man had a choice between life without sex, or sex and immediate death...I'm putting my money on sex and death.

Despite the heavy weight I place on sex I have started to reconsider my claim. There may be instances where sex is overrated. Since I was married so long it was hard for me to think of sex outside of the context of an emotionally intimate relationship. Hence, I'm thinking when you care for someone how could sex be overrated. This is not the context others are speaking in.

Sex outside of marriage (I'll even give deeply committed relationship) is overrated. There may be some excitement, some pay off, some pleasure...but absent of the emotional, mental, spiritual connection it's just not that great of an experience. I remember experiences like that where I find myself drifting off during physical engagement. The power, the excitement, the punch, just wasn't there.

In some ways there is something animalistic about sex when the other factors aren't present. It's akin to having sex with a doll or something. In the end it's just two warm bodies coming together. It is a sterile exchange of physical activity and fluid. That picture leaves much to be desired.

There may be times when sex is incredible no matter what the connection. It's hard to see in some ways. If the goal is to get your rocks off why not just beat your dick into submission and call it a day. No concerns for disease, pregnancy, loose lips, or fatal attractions. There is a lot at risk when you consider the lack of connection present in such situations. I might be wrong on both counts...but for now I'm going to stick to my guns. There are times when sex can be overrated.

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