Saturday, October 23, 2010


I cooked some Italian baked chicken wings for dinner tonight. It was a recipe I learned from my wife. I always enjoyed it when she cooked it. After a while I started cooking it myself. As I was cooking I was thinking about what a phenomenal cook my wife is. I was thinking about her mac and cheese, her Italian sausage bread, and a whole lot of other foods. One thing she could do is burn.

As I was cooking I was thinking how I should have paid more attention when I was helping her cook. I know the ingredients that goes into these things but I don't' know the amounts or the process. Man, I missed out. Would it be wrong to ask her to cook me something just for old times sake? Anyway, I started thinking about all the people that I have had an opportunity to know and all of the great gifts they possessed. So many of them had something that you could learn.

People are full of such talents and skills. What they bring to the table in their life experience, education, and training is incredible. I've always sought to learn from those around me but I don't know that I've always "got it." I can remember my brother in law telling me about how he was quickly promoted through the ranks as a Marine. It wasn't about his hard work, it was about his relationships. I missed it. I thought he was just talking. I'm just now figuring that out...relationships are everything.

I didn't think my wife would be lost on me so soon. I didn't think my Grandfather was going to go when he did. I didn't think my short stint in practicing law (never a lawyer, just an intern) would have ended so soon. The point; learn as much as you can, as fast as you can, while you can. You don't know how long you have with someone and their gifts. You don't know when you will need them. Life stops and turns on a dime. Don't miss out cause you thought you had more time.

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