Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Need Love

I was sitting in my office today and suddenly the song "I need Love" by LL Cool J popped in my head. When all this started I thought I would never love again. I couldn't trust my heart. Hell, I couldn't trust women. Right now I'm not much better on the trust issue. I am moving back to my normal self.

I can't deny love. As much as I want to I just can't do it. I want to be hard, callous, indifferent...but that's not me. I'm a romantic. I love love. I want to love again and to be loved.

Side note: It's exactly this type of mushy gushy shit that makes a man soft. This is what is killing the nice guy. He wants love. He wants passion. He wants to have babies with the woman he's married to and to take care of them. This is some real bitch-made type shit. And, this is exactly why nice guys (soft niggas) don't succeed in the game. Bitch ass niggas.

We now return to our scheduled post.

I'm not saying that I'm ready to jump into a serious relationship. I know I'm not. That might be a move that has more catastrophic results than the first. What I am saying is that I'm open to love. There are many broken hearts in the world. Many that have been made skeptics. Many that have become hard...hopeless. That won't be me if I can help it.

It is said that Love always hopes. Well, here's to love. I'm going to hold out on hope and look forward to the day when I can love again. Until then, I'm living life and letting things come to me. One day at a time.

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