I wish I could stop thinking about it but I can't. I am tired of women complaining about men and their lack of committment, drive, faithfulness, etc...ect... Today, I have come to the firm conclusion that women are either stupid, crazy, or naive.
You may think it's a bit harsh, and it might be, but I'm pissed. I say that women are stupid because they constantly talk about how they want a good man. As they bemoan the lack of good men they spend all their time chasing the bad ones. This is akin to me saying I'm a Browns fan while purchasing nothing but Steelers gear and then complaining about the colors.
I think women know full well what they are getting themselves into when they pursue a relationship and they use the "I got played" excuse as a scapegoat for bad decisions. After all, they wouldn't want to tell people that they did what they did for fun. That might be a bit too honest and leave the woman with the stereo type of being a hoe (A stereo type I don't neccessarily agree with. Women should be free to experience their sexuality just like men.)
If women aren't stupid then they must be crazy. I say crazy because they go after men that have proven track records of doing women dirty with the belief that they have the golden sunshine putty that will forever change this man's ways. This notion is crazy. Certainly, there are women that know how to put it on a man in a serious way. However, I think all too often women overestimate the power of the treasure box. You have to think, this guy is getting it on the regular. You have to bring the thunder if you are truly going to blow his mind. All too often it's just dark clouds and no rain.
Finally, if women aren't the previous two then they must be naive. Only naivety can afford women the ability to make poor decision after poor decision in men and then repeat the process all over again. I just can't believe this one. Maybe the first couple of times but not long term. Women are by far more skilled at the game than men. They are playing with a stacked deck and typically brotha's think it's a fair game. Women give themselves over to this foolishness.
There is one other option, maybe two. The first is that women are a combination of three. They are crazy, naive, and stupid. This is not a stretch at all. I know, highly offensive, but not a stretch. The other option is that women are caught up in the game just like everyone else. They have sought to find true love only to have their heart broken time and time again. In reaction to the pain they have claimed never again. Now they go for self and try to take all they can get. This too, pisses me off. I hate to see good women turned bad by some punk ass nigga. Ah well, such is life.
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